For some reason I haven't really been posting my blog as much as I was before. It's not that I'm not writing them it's just I guess I haven't been making them as public. I have recently deleted a ton of people off of my facebook. Not only that but a lot of people can't see most of my post. It's funny I was feeling so open for a while.
I guess deep down having people know my thoughts has been a little embarrassing. Not only just with infertility but with other things. I've learned that I'm a really open minded person. With that being said I've gotten some back lash about how I feel. So maybe that is why I haven't been as public the last couple weeks.
Then again who really cares what some twenty seven year old in MA really thinks? What I will say is I know today is April fools day. I know people love to play pranks on people. Can I say one word of advice don't pretend you are pregnant. It's not funny and what happens if one day you struggle with infertility? Just be respectful of people around you that is all I'm asking.
I was watching Kourtney and Kim take Miami tonight. I think it is really brave of Khloe to be able to talk about her infertility battle on television. I think sometimes you think you are alone dealing with this problem and then you see people on TV dealing with it and realize there are others. I know I've said things before about how some people have no problem getting pregnant and you see that play out in the show too.
Each person is different and we all have our own problems to deal with. I know sometimes it seems like all the unmarried, young people get pregnant no problem but truthfully that probably isn't the case. It just seems that way. I think when dealing with infertility you think wow why isn't it that easy? Who really knows why some people have infertility problems while others don't. Perhaps infertility is something you are suppose to learn from. Then again maybe it's just a cruel joke.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter!!!! <3
~**~~~Baby Dust~**~~~
First flowers of spring. :) |