It's hard to believe Jasper is over 3 months already. I wish I could freeze time he is growing so fast. He is in 3-6 month clothing. I have no idea how big he is right now but we will find out next month at his 4 month appointment. He still is colicky and now teething.
He still isn't sleeping at night sleeps 2 hours at a time and fits nap time during the day. We are still breastfeeding so I'm half way to my goal of 6 months! He isn't wanting to take a bottle most of the time which stinks because I'd like a break but I'm happy that he is doing well.
He is talking non stop and smiling all the time. He is such a flirt and always flashing his dimples at everyone. I'm going to be in trouble with him when he gets older. He also has a super serious face sometimes to. He sure has his own little personality already.
I love him to pieces and I feel so blessed to be his mommy! He loves playing on his Kick N' Play gym. Some of his favorite things are Sophie the giraffe teething toy, an elephant blanket toy, a ducky toy his blue puppy stuffed toy.
He loves sitting up in his Bumbo and standing while mommy and daddy hold him. He still isn't a fan of leaving the house and tends to get crankier easier. Though he is amazing in the car. He loves looking out the window or looking at himself in the mirror. He also falls a sleep normally pretty fast in his carseat.

It was always my goal to do cloth diapers I had them the whole time but we got a lot of disposable diapers at the shower which was great because when he was a newborn I could focus on him and not have to worry about cleaning diapers. I was so thankful for that. I placed a few pictures of some of my diapers. My diaspers start at 8lbs and go up to 36lbs so they will be used for a while. I know they will save us a lot of money. I also like to knowing my son wont have chemicals all over him. Plus they are super cute and soft. I'd say it is a win win.
The longest process was prepping them. You have to wash them a lot but once they are prepped you are ready to go. They are super easy to wash. I just wash them in warm water not hot water temp cant be over 93 degrees and with Dreft. Then I just put them on a drying rack. If they have stains I put them out in the sun and the stain comes right out! So easy! Putting the inserts in takes sometime so I do it while Jasper is napping..
Anyways sorry my post turned into cloth diaper land but I really enjoy it! I'm one proud cloth diapering momma! :) Anyways I will post a few more photos of Jasper and family photos and maybe another video or two of him!