Birth Story of my Daughter.

So it's been a long time since I have last posted. First and foremost in November of 2016 I had another baby a little girl who we named Zoeylyn. I can't believe I never shared anything about my pregnancy with her before. Zoey is a Rainbow baby just like her brother. 2 months prior to getting pregnant with her I had a miscarriage.
So I'm thinking a good way of getting back into blogging would be sharing Zoey's birth story. Zoey just like her brother kept us waiting. My ob scheduled to have an induction at 41 weeks which I was hoping I wouldn't have to do.

So here is goes. So the night before my scheduled induction I thought it would be a good idea to wrap Christmas presents so I wouldn't have to worry about doing them with a toddler and a newborn. I was uncomfortable, but I figured it was due to being right around 41weeks and sitting on the floor. After wrapping Christmas presents I tried to go to bed around 1am or so.

At around 3:30am I was getting to the point where it was starting to hurt so I went down stairs and filled the tub with lukewarm water in hopes that I would relax and start to feel better. I still wasn't convinced I was in labor yet. So I didn't wake my husband and figured I'd let him sleep until I thought it was time.

At 4:40am or so my husband woke up and at this point the contractions were starting to get closer and closer together. I still didn't want to leave for the hospital because I didn't want to wake my 2 year old who was sleeping. I kept thinking my water hasn't broke yet either and that the hospital was going to call either way around 6:30am to tell me to go in for my induction.

Well by 5:10am my husband really was set on us leaving for the hospital so he called my mom to tell her I was in labor. I remember her asking if we were going to drop my son off at her house or if we wanted her to pick my son up from the hospital. My husband wouldn't answer her so I remember saying just meet us there.

We had to wake my son up and get everything in the car and head to the hospital which was 25ish minutes away. The contractions go so much more intense in the car and by the time we got to the hospital I just wanted to get up to labor and delivery. I remember my mom looking at me and saying good luck as she brought my son to her car.

I waddled my way up to labor and delivery sometimes feeling like I needed to grip the walls. At 5:55am we arrived and they started checking us in. I was trying to answer their questions for paperwork and breath through my contractions which I learned wasn't easy when someone continually broke your focus.

As one nurse is checking me in the other nurse is asked if I really was in labor. To which the nurse responded yes she is in labor her contractions seem to be every minute or so. They checked me and I was at 3cm. So then they started to try to place an IV and kept telling me to keep my hand still. They missed the first time, but got it in the second time.

The nurses both left the room and I could hear them on the phone with my OB just telling her what was going on. While on the phone I had one mighty contraction and my water broke. The moment my water broke I swore I could feel my daughter's head. My husband looks and says I see a head. He yells to the nurse I can see a head. To which she says ya I will check on her. So she hangs up the phone with my OB. She comes in and says I see a head. She panics runs out calls the OB. The OB tells her to be prepared to catch a baby.

The two nurses looked so nervous, but at this moment I couldn't stop what was going on she was ready to come and my body was ready. I layed on my side and started to push it just felt more comfortable. At some point I rolled back onto my back and I felt her head as I continued to push. The nurses stood there telling me I was doing a good job. My husband seemed stressed about the OB not being there. About 5 minutes from my water breaking and pushing my daughter came into the world.

My husband stood there shocked. He was so surprised the camera didn't make it out so I had him give me that camera and I took pictures while I waited to deliver the placenta. My foot made it into a few pictures, but so happy I got them. I felt so empowered. I love the experience of being able push without an OB telling me what to do. I always wanted to have a natural girl with a midwife. I felt like my experience gave me what I wanted.

45 minutes from getting to labor and delivery my beautiful baby girl was born. Zoeylyn weighed 8lbs 13oz and was 21.5 inches long. Her birth was so wonderful and I'm so thankful I got to experience it the way I did.

One week till Jasper is ONE!

So sorry that I have been so neglectful with my blog lately but Jasper needs his momma. So over the past few months Jasper has grown and changed so much. At 8.5 months he learned how to backwards crawl and it was adorable. Right around 9 months he started cutting his first two teeth and the day he turned 9 months he started crawling forward and boy was he proud of himself!

Backwards crawling

Forward Crawling

I love watching him clap, wave hi and bye and blow kisses. One week before he turned 11 months he took his first steps. Now he is walking all over the house and is loving all the freedom he has. He is starting to try and run now which causes a few bumps and bruises from time to time.

Hi Kitty Cat video

He loves being able to walk over to you and give hugs and kisses! He is one lovely little boy but also loves to be Mr. Independent. He is now cutting tooth number six! He is doing better with self feeding. We are still breastfeeding and cloth diapering. Can't believe he is almost one!

Walking all around his room he has gotten better since this video!

Jasper is 8 months old

So sorry with the holiday season I some how forgot to keep everyone up to date on Jasper. Jasper had an amazing first Christmas! He was so spoiled by everyone and loved seeing everyone. It truly was one of my favorite Christmases. It wasn't about the gifts it was about the time spent with family.

Jasper is sleeping in his crib at night and has been since he turned a little over 6 months old. He sleeps thru the night. When he does wake up at night he plays in his crib for a bit and goes right back to sleep. We are very lucky he sleeps about 11 hours a night.

He takes 2 naps a day both naps vary in time and can be 1-2hours. If he sleeps only an hour he will go down for his second nap sooner. He is pretty good about going down for naps though. He will even from time to time get a quick cat nap in.

He isn't crawling yet but he does scoot on his butt to get around. He keeps leaning forward all the time and face planting. So he is getting closer and closer to crawling. He loves standing up and pulling himself up. He is great at sitting. He can also sit up from laying down now.

At this moment he is cutting his very first tooth! So this is exciting because he is eating solids so it'll be cute to see little bite marks in his food. He has loved all the vegetables and fruit he has tried. I have been making his baby food. He is also still breastfeed. I'm so happy we are still going strong with it.

Cloth diapering is still going great!!! All and all everything with Jasper is great! He is a happy little boy who loves cats, music, food and people. He loves giving kisses and hugs. Another one of his favorite things is bath time. He also loves Daniel Tiger he doesn't watch it often but he enjoys it when it is on.

Check out

Jasper is 6 months old

I don't know where the time has gone. I feel bad I haven't been updating but Jasper has been keeping me pretty busy. We just went to his doctor appointment for his check up. He weighs 15lbs 14.5oz and 28inches long. He got a couple shots and did very well.

So Jasper can say mom, momma, dada, hi, hello, and hey. He can sit up on his own. He is able to roll in both directions. He is trying to get up off the floor now looks  like he is doing crunches. He is a pretty happy baby. He takes two big naps a day with a couple cat naps thrown in. He generally sleeps through the night unless he has a wet diaper.

We are still breastfeeding. I'm making his baby food too. He so far like banana, avocado, green beans, butternut squash and sweet potato. He is a very good eater and fully enjoys food and says MmmMmM the whole time.

We are still cloth diapering! I don't see that ending at all I really like it. Anytime we put him in disposables he is cranky. You can just tell he doesn't like them at all. He doesn't get diaper rash with them either. I haven't tried many brands but I do really like Kawaii Diapers. They are cheap and work great.

I'm looking forward to Jasper's first Christmas. We did Christmas pictures this year. It was great and I now get to have a great keepsake from getting them done. There isn't to much more to update. I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Jasper is over 3 months already.. Plus how Cloth diapering is going.

It's hard to believe Jasper is over 3 months already. I wish I could freeze time he is growing so fast. He is in 3-6 month clothing. I have no idea how big he is right now but we will find out next month at his 4 month appointment. He still is colicky and now teething.
He still isn't sleeping at night sleeps 2 hours at a time and fits nap time during the day. We are still breastfeeding so I'm half way to my goal of 6 months! He isn't wanting to take a bottle most of the time which stinks because I'd like a break but I'm happy that he is doing well.

He is talking non stop and smiling all the time. He is such a flirt and always flashing his dimples at everyone. I'm going to be in trouble with him when he gets older. He also has a super serious face sometimes to. He sure has his own little personality already.

I love him to pieces and I feel so blessed to be his mommy! He loves playing on his Kick N' Play gym. Some of his favorite things are Sophie the giraffe teething toy, an elephant blanket toy, a ducky toy his blue puppy stuffed toy.

He loves sitting up in his Bumbo and standing while mommy and daddy hold him. He still isn't a fan of leaving the house and tends to get crankier easier. Though he is amazing in the car. He loves looking out the window or looking at himself in the mirror. He also falls a sleep normally pretty fast in his carseat.

We are also cloth diapering and I really like it. I feel like Jasper also likes cloth diapers over regular diapers. Yes it is more work because I'm washing diapers every other day but to me it is worth it. I feel good knowing I'm not throwing my money away. We have 44 cloth diapers snaps and velcro ones. I found so far Kawaii Diapers have been my favorite. They are a great price and work amazing. My husband is even on board and told me he likes the Velcro diapers over disposable.We have been doing cloth diapers for a few weeks now.

 It was always my goal to do cloth diapers I had them the whole time but we got a lot of disposable diapers at the shower which was great because when he was a newborn I could focus on him and not have to worry about cleaning diapers. I was so thankful for that. I placed a few pictures of some of my diapers. My diaspers start at 8lbs and go up to 36lbs so they will be used for a while. I know they will save us a lot of money. I also like to knowing my son wont have chemicals all over him. Plus they are super cute and soft. I'd say it is a win win.

The longest process was prepping them. You have to wash them a lot but once they are prepped you are ready to go. They are super easy to wash. I just wash them in warm water not hot water temp cant be over 93 degrees and with Dreft. Then I just put them on a drying rack. If they have stains I put them out in the sun and the stain comes right out! So easy! Putting the inserts in takes sometime so I do it while Jasper is napping..

Anyways sorry my post turned into cloth diaper land but I really enjoy it! I'm one proud cloth diapering momma! :) Anyways I will post a few more photos of Jasper and family photos and maybe another video or two of him!

Birth Story of my Daughter.

So it's been a long time since I have last posted. First and foremost in November of 2016 I had another baby a little girl who we named ...