So Jasper can say mom, momma, dada, hi, hello, and hey. He can sit up on his own. He is able to roll in both directions. He is trying to get up off the floor now looks like he is doing crunches. He is a pretty happy baby. He takes two big naps a day with a couple cat naps thrown in. He generally sleeps through the night unless he has a wet diaper.
We are still breastfeeding. I'm making his baby food too. He so far like banana, avocado, green beans, butternut squash and sweet potato. He is a very good eater and fully enjoys food and says MmmMmM the whole time.
We are still cloth diapering! I don't see that ending at all I really like it. Anytime we put him in disposables he is cranky. You can just tell he doesn't like them at all. He doesn't get diaper rash with them either. I haven't tried many brands but I do really like Kawaii Diapers. They are cheap and work great.
I'm looking forward to Jasper's first Christmas. We did Christmas pictures this year. It was great and I now get to have a great keepsake from getting them done. There isn't to much more to update. I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

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