So I'm already a few days into week 15 and I can't believe it. So far this week still not sleeping and tired. Plus I'm not having any cravings at all. Though I will say my favorite thing is feeling the baby move. I started feeling it in week 14 and it just seems to be getting stronger.
The best feeling the world is feeling our baby move and hearing the heart beat. My life feels like it's almost complete. I've been missing our angel we lost back in May a lot lately. I think it's because Hope's due date is coming up.
I have been wanting to get an ornament for the tree so badly for Hope but couldn't find anything I liked. Then I remembered that my mom had bought me an angel ornament that's says I love you on it. She had also placed a white diaper pin on it. So I placed it on the tree two nights ago and cried.
The small angel is what I'm talking about that is now on the tree |
Hubby and I
15 weeks
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