29 weeks and ob appointment.

So after being sick for those couple days I had lost 4lbs. I had my 2 week appointment on Thursday and weighed the same I did last appointment which means I gained the 4lbs back but nothing on top of that. The ob wasn't worried and was just happy I gained the other weight back.

My blood pressure was 104 over 77 which is great. Baby was active and had a nice strong and LOUD heart beat when I went. My uterus is measuring right on track also. So all and all I 'd say everything pregnancy wise is going great!!!!! Starting to really get excited I have my baby shower in 3 weeks and my maternity shoot the week after that.

My next ob appointment is in two weeks on March 27th and my mom will be taking me again so my husband can work. I forgot to mention my mom went with me this time. She enjoyed it and was a proud Grammy. First grandbaby so it's exciting.

Still having a hard time sleeping but that's normal for me. Little guy is more active now and his kicks just keep getting harder and harder. I've defiantly had an increased appetite over the last week. I eat and I'm hungry an hour later doesn't even matter how much food I eat. It's all worth it for our Rainbow! May 31st can't get here soon enough.
Baby Registry at Amazon click here


28 Weeks pregnant

Today I'm officially 28 weeks pregnant. I'm really starting to look pregnant now. Heartburn is an every night thing now. Though drinking almond milk does help a little bit. I'm having pain in my ribs now when I try to sleep on my side. Plus a lot of leg cramps at night. I drink a ton of water so that isn't the reason why.

I was pretty sick in the beginning of the week I had gotten that stomach bug that had been going around and lot 4lbs due to it. So far I have put back on 2 of those pounds. Just trying to at least gain back what I have lost and hopefully more before my next ob appointment on Thursday.

I truly love feeling our little guy kick and move around during the day. He seems to be very active still and really enjoys music. I think he also enjoys listening to his daddy read to him at night. He seems to kick a lot when it is happening. My husband is really starting to notice my belly moving from across the room..

I feel so blessed and lucky to be having our Rainbow!!!!!

Baby registry at Amazon- http://www.amazon.com/registry/baby/1P72N9BL4IR37/ref=cm_sw_r_fa_br_xZ3gtb1CFY0ST

27 Weeks

So I'm officially in the 3rd trimester!!! So amazing so far this week hasn't been too good.. I got a stomach bug that had been going around and wasn't able to hold anything down. Thankfully I'm starting to feel better. I've notice nightly now I have been having heartburn like crazy.

When I had gone last week to my Ob appointment I had gained more weight and I'm up 13lbs since the start of my pregnancy so I'm right on track with weight gain. My blood pressure was 88/50 so it was lower than what it was a couple days before that.

Our little guy has been active and every so often his kicks are really starting to hurt. I have been having  Braxton Hicks on and off this week too. Baby boy's heart rate is still up in the 150's which is always good. I go next week to my ob because now I'm every two weeks. I will be going with my mom this time and not my husband.

Registry info at www.babiesrus.com  search my registry number 52049325. When it comes to shipping they ask for your billing info first. The shipping info comes up second and says ship directly to Jessica and Andrew it will not show our full address only part of it due to privacy.

Birth Story of my Daughter.

So it's been a long time since I have last posted. First and foremost in November of 2016 I had another baby a little girl who we named ...