Praying for our Dream to come true

I find it adorable that my husband likes to pray over me before he goes to bed. He always ask God to take my pain away and to allow us to finally get pregnant. I think it just shows that he wants to be a father as much as I want to be a mother. Andy talks a lot about what he wants to do with our child or children one day..

So not only is it hard on me not getting pregnant but it is hard on him. He talks about trips we will talk, things we will do and just things he can't wait for. I know when the day comes Andrew is going to be an amazing father. He is going to be one of those super involved fathers. I know this because I see the way he is with other people's kids.

One day hopefully soon God will let us be parents. We don't know what is in God's plan for us but we both hope being parents is part of it. I truly don't know if Andrew and I would be okay with not being parents. We just need to keep the faith that God knows what is best for us as a married couple.

Sending Baby Dust to the ones who need it! <3


Birth Story of my Daughter.

So it's been a long time since I have last posted. First and foremost in November of 2016 I had another baby a little girl who we named ...