39 Weeks and Ob appointment

Today marks 39 weeks pregnant. How am I already 39 weeks?? This week has been hard on my body. I have been in a flare all week thanks to my RSD and Fibro. It has been very hard coping with pain without medication but I have done all I can to protect our little guy.

This week I have also had a lot of lower back pain in my spine but I know that is normal due to the extra weight I am carrying in the front. Heartburn has also been pretty bad this week and has been preventing me from sleeping. Little guy wasn't very active for a little bit this week but now he is back to his normal self.

The doctors went good my blood pressure was 102/70 and the baby was healthy. Nothing new with dilation was still at 1cm but I was more effaced than last week which is a good thing. I'm so looking forward to meeting him though I know with first pregnancies you normally go late. Even though this isn't really my first pregnancy because this is my Rainbow.

My sister and her husband will be flying up from Texas on May 30th which is the day before my due date and leaves on June 5th. I'm hoping he shows up before they come or at least before they leave. So fingers crossed he is here by June 4th.

Hope everyone has a wonder Memorial Day on Monday!

39 Weeks
Some gifts we got in the mail
39 Weeks front view

38 Weeks

I'm now 38 weeks as of yesterday. I'm so happy to be at this point but also feeling more and more ready for our son to be born. My last doctor's appointment on Thursday went well my blood pressure 100 over 72. I also hadn't gained any weight so I was still at 26lbs weight gain.

On Thursday I was also 50% effaced and 1cm dilated. So at least there was some kind of progression at 37 weeks and 5 days. Little guy's heart rate is nice and strong still. I feel so lucky to be carrying him. I've been having headaches and lots of cramping.

I've noticed that over the past couple days little guy hasn't been quite as active which I know is normal. I have my Doppler so if I ever get nervous I just listen to his heart beat and know he is fine. There really isn't anything going on more to update when it comes to the pregnancy.

38 Weeks

Nursery Tour Video and Full Term 37 Weeks

Sorry it has been so long since I have last posted. As I'm writing this I'm 37 Weeks and 2 Days. A lot has been going on and things are just calming down. Pregnancy wise everything is going perfect. Blood pressure has been great and I have gained a little over 26lbs so far. He has been measuring a few days ahead also.

I did end up being positive from Group B Strep but I wont worry about it. Still planning on a natural birth with a Doula. I really cant wait for our son to be here. I look forward to holding him in my arms. I'm so excited to be full term now!

Here's his nursery!

My view 37 Weeks 2 Days

37 W 2 Days shadow
37 Weeks

36 Weeks

Birth Story of my Daughter.

So it's been a long time since I have last posted. First and foremost in November of 2016 I had another baby a little girl who we named ...