Baby appointment

So yesterday I had my ob appointment. My blood pressure was normal and I've gained 6 pounds in total at almost 23 weeks. My uterus was measuring perfectly too. I've been getting bad pain when I walk to much on the lower left side. My ob told me when it happens to just sit down and relax. The return of the bloody noses has also happened this week like crazy.

Well during out appointment the ob told us that all the reports from the antimony scan came back great. Though they didn't get a good pic of the right side of his heart so we needed to get another ultrasound. So they got me right in.

During the ultrasound he was active but not quite as active as last time. Took them a bit to get a good pic of his heart but his heart looked perfect. We ended up just getting to see him kick, wave and move all around. It was wonderful his heart rate was 158 so nice and strong still. He was still measuring perfect to. :)

Week 21 and Therapy

So I turned 21 weeks two days ago. Which means I'm in the end of 5 months of pregnancy and getting close to 6 months. Such an amazing feeling. Our little guys this week 10.51inches long and weighs 12.70 ounces. It's crazy how quick he is growing.

He really has been kicking up a storm this week and you can really see my belly move when he does it. It's fun noticing the difference between a punch and a kick. I'm sure the bigger he gets the more I wont like feeling those hard kicks. I stepped on the scale a few days ago and looks like I've gained a total of 6bs so far during my pregnancy.

I've been having heartburn at night and was starting to only feel nauseous at night time. I think the nauseous part hopefully is going away again. I have been having bad anxiety which isn't pregnancy related it has to do with my normal Anxiety and PTSD. So I have realized that in order to feel better therapy is something I will be doing again This will be my 3rd time doing therapy.

I've had many things in my life happen to me and I know the sounds and people who trigger me. I have been in a constant state of anxiety for over a week now. So much that now sleeping has become even harder. I sleep best in the day by taking short naps. For some reason my anxiety isn't well controlled at night time. So due to everything going on with me right now therapy has become my best option. I start Jan 28th again and I hope this will help me find peace.

One goal for therapy is being able to be in a car again without fear. I literally have an anxiety the entire time I'm in a car and hold on to things for dear life. I'm tense and at a drop of a hat I begin to cry. I wont go over what has happened to cause this fear but 2 car accidents.I'm not even going to call the 3rd one an accident. I don't drive so none of these we're because I was driving. My fear is enough to be 28 and not have my license. I don't admit that to many people.


20 Weeks Half Way!

So today I'm 20 weeks which means I'm half way already. So this week I have been feeling our little boy kick more now and feels stronger. He kicks so hard that you can see my belly move. My husband saw it happen. He's still waiting to feel the first kick. He's not sure if he felt it yet or not.

So a craving of mine has been orange juice. I have to add a little to my water because otherwise it upsets my stomach no matter how much I want to it. I've also been enjoying Chinese food Chicken and Broccoli is my favorite.

I seem to be getting out of breath very easily lately. Walking around a store or trying to climb stairs is already becoming difficult. Even talking on the phone I seem to get out of breath which is funny. I'm not complaining about it just think it's funny because I didn't realize it would happen so soon.

Anyways everything else seems to be going well. I'm tired still but still think that is insomnia related which was prior to pregnancy. Pain wise some days aren't as bad as others. Not a fan of my RSD or Fibromyalgia but I make the best of it. I feel so blessed and lucky to be pregnant with our son right now I never thought truthfully it would ever happen.

I think back on our journey to get to where we are now. I think of how hard it was trying to get pregnant and nothing happening every month. I think of the testing both my husband and I went through for infertility. Surgery and how to regulate my cycle. I think about or loss of Hope in May and now I see what our life is becoming. Here we are blessed with our Rainbow. A five and a half year journey that will finally end in a baby boy at the end of May of this year.

So blessed. <3 I hope everyone is doing well and to those of you who are trying to get pregnant I wish you nothing but the best. I truly hope 2014 and your year! Don't give up!!!

Baby's gender is.....................

So today was the ultrasound which was very exciting. Our baby was moving around so much that the ultrasound techs were having trouble getting the measurements they need. Baby was kicking and constantly moving their hands. Even saw our little one sucking their thumb.

I'm happy to report we are having a little BOY!!!! Is heart rate was 154 today everything was measuring perfectly. Also all is organs, heart and everything else was good. My husband and I so excited about having a baby boy. :)

So my blood pressure was good today also which is always a positive. I have also now gained a total of 5lbs not bad for almost 19 weeks I'll take it. Doctor was happy with everything and I go back again January 30th.

Baby Registry
It's a Boy :)

Handsome already <3

Birth Story of my Daughter.

So it's been a long time since I have last posted. First and foremost in November of 2016 I had another baby a little girl who we named ...